Sunday, June 6, 2010

Is 8 a.m. Too Early to Mow Your Lawn on a Sunday?

So I get back from my morning run today just before 8 a.m.  I take a quick shower, check the chemical levels in the pool, grab a cup of coffee and the Sunday paper, and head out to my back deck to relax in the sun and read the news.  I like to set my iPhone nearby and play some easy-listening music, usually Shawn Mullins, while I read and scan the advertisements. 

As I unwrap the paper to Mullins's "Homemade Wine", my neighbor across the street fires up his John Deere lawn tractor and begins mowing his yard.  It's 8 a.m.!  Surely there are still other neighbors who are sleeping or trying to enjoy a quiet morning like I am...

The noise of his mower drowns out the Mullins music and distracts me from the sports page.  I can no longer hear the breeze through the wind chimes, and the songs of the whipporwill and killdeer and robins are lost as well.

The irony of the whole situation is that his noise ruined my quiet Sunday morning, but he worked in near-silence as he toured around his yard with his noise-killing headphones on his ears, immune to the cacophony he created for everyone else. 

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